BIM management

AMO BIM: your competent assistant in BIM Project Management

AMO BIM (BIM project management assistance) is a privileged partner for project owners in the design and monitoring of their construction projects. The choice to use a general contractor without in-depth knowledge of the building sector can be complex. The same goes for the use of BIM, an essential expertise in the field. This is where AMO BIM comes in, which provides long-term support, offering both expertise and assistance for a well-run project.

AMO BIM missions explained

BIM offers a wide range of possibilities. In order to avoid being overwhelmed by this multitude of options, a BIM deployment strategy is necessary within your organisation. The AMO BIM then intervenes to define the guideline of your project by producing important deliverables such as the BIM specifications or the BIM charter. Having clear objectives is essential for the success of your BIM project. These are defined with you from the start of the project, in order to achieve them more effectively. AMO BIM takes your needs into account and ensures the optimal integration of work processes within your organisation. It helps to minimise risks, simulate results and anticipate variables to offer many advantages to public and private clients. In short, it is a manager of your project, facilitating the implementation of the BIM uses of the project, from the study phase to the operational phase.

The future of AMO BIM

The world of construction and project management is constantly changing. Technological advances, in particular BIM (Building Information Modelling), are constantly redefining the processes for designing, implementing and operating buildings. BIM Project Management Assistance (AMO BIM), with its varied missions and its central role in these processes, is at the heart of these transformations. So, what does the future of AMO BIM look like?

Continuous optimisation of the construction process

Thanks to BIM, the AMO can offer more advanced assistance in the construction process. The future of AMO BIM will see an even greater use of digital models for more efficient design and project management. Building maintenance, renovation and operation will also be optimised through the increased use of BIM technology.

State-of-the-art training and skills

With the rise of BIM, the AMO BIM will have to have in-depth training and constant updating of their skills. This will require a deep understanding of the different dimensions of BIM, from the use of specific software to the drafting of cutting-edge technical specifications. The role of the project owner will also evolve, requiring specific support and training to maximise the use of BIM.

A key collaborator for all stakeholders

The trend is towards closer cooperation between AMO BIM and all construction stakeholders. Dissemination of information will be a major asset, with the AMO BIM serving as a reference for the entire project. From the definition of the objectives, the drafting of the specifications, to the supervision of the implementation of the project, the AMO BIM will be the key partner of all the stakeholders from the clients to the control bodies.

Widespread adoption of BIM

With BIM becoming the norm in the construction sector, AMO BIM will play a crucial role in supporting companies in this change. Whether for the implementation of new strategies, the training of teams, or the management of the transition to BIM, the AMO BIM will be a key player in ensuring compliance with standards, conformity and project efficiency.

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