BIM management

BIM 3D modelling of the building

BIM modelling is a process based on the production of a 3D digital model. It concerns all trades and must be carried out in such a way as to respect the BIM objectives of the project. As a BIM process, it must be given the greatest of attention.

The benefits of BIM modelling for architectural trades

Modelling for architectural trades (CEA) has above all a graphic importance. Indeed, the main role of the architect is the design of a building that is visually pleasing and pleasant to live in during its operation. 3D building modelling allows the imagination to come to life. It leaves the possibility of adding textures to give a realism to the finishes. You can also add furniture, characters, vegetation, and dress up the building and its exteriors. The georeferencing of the file is essential. It allows knowing the rate of sunshine according to the times of the day or even of the year. All these elements will allow a client, whether they are used to reading a 2D plan or not, to see what their project could look like, in a very realistic and precise way. Therefore, they will be able to project themselves with ease and even anticipate future architectural choices with more confidence.

CVSE (Heating, Ventilation, Sanitary and Electricity) modelling

The modelling of CVSE models is a key issue for BIM. Indeed, CVSE modelling makes it possible to obtain a precise quantity, to check the sizing of the networks but also to carry out a 3D coordination between all the networks in order to predict and resolve the various clashes.

Link-BIM therefore has an advantage in this area, thanks to a CVSE specialist and internal processes. These allow fast 3D modelling. The design is simplified in order to reduce the cost of the linear networks, but also to guarantee support during the different SIA phases, for optimal installation and operation of the different networks.

3D modelling with BIM objects

The proper use of BIM objects is of paramount importance in the design of a BIM model. The BIM object is not only intended to graphically represent an element in 3D, it must also be informed and correctly configured. The information of a BIM object goes through its sizing, its standards, etc., everything that is useful for the proper execution of the object in question during construction, but not only. The object must be logged so that the techniques or other objects related to it have the information necessary for the proper coordination of all the elements. For example, when installing sanitary facilities, one must be able to know the sizing of the evacuations as well as the introductions necessary for its proper functioning. The configuration of the object, if carried out correctly, gives the possibility of modifying the object (height, length, display, etc.) in a simple and automated way. The configuration also joins the information of the object. For example, a standard door could be transformed into an automatic door with a simple click, changing its information and adding an automation mechanism. Therefore, a well-designed BIM object library will save you considerable time when drawing, searching for information and even calculating quantities. In a digital model, we do not draw geometric shapes, but BIM objects. These objects are essential to guarantee a high standard, but also to allow the creation of a virtual showroom in connection with the program. Creating a library is a time-consuming process that will save you valuable time when starting a future projects.


At Link-BIM, we carry out BIM modelling in LOD 400. Indeed, first, we have a library of BIM objects with this level of detail. We also adapt to the LOI (Level of information) necessary for the smooth running of projects. Secondly, we have implemented a different design method in connection with our graphic charters, so that the model meets these prerequisites. The level of detail, or LOD, is the geometric precision of a BIM model.

The LOD 400 is the ideal level of detail for producing 2D working plans corresponding to the SIA standard. To achieve this, it is necessary to integrate information and parameters allowing to take into account a lot of data. This level of detail also opens the door to operational BIM and LOD 500.

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