BIM project management

BIM project management is a process that allows in-depth control of construction projects, right from the study phase. The MacLeamy curve (American architect and president of BuildingSmart International) makes it possible to better understand the implications by phases. Organisational change is a challenge for all companies, which must be carried out in connection with the methods and habits already in place, so that your teams are a driving force during this delicate period for your company.
gestion de projet BIM
chefs de projet BIM
projet BIM

Our BIM project management solution

At Link-BIM, we have implemented precise and adaptable processes for the management of all BIM projects. We rely on the standards at our disposal, such as SIA 2051 and ISO 19650.

We have also created all the BIM project management documents so that the various stakeholders in the different phases of the project are informed of the BIM expectations: LOI, LOG, schedule of deliverables, exchange format (open BIM or Close BIM), charter nomenclature, architectural and technical modelling charter, 5D extraction charter, etc.).

Our professions in BIM project management

The project is supervised by a BIM manager and a global BIM coordinator in order to guarantee close monitoring and therefore anticipate problems at different levels of the project.

Our BIM manager is in direct contact with the project managers in order to guarantee the feasibility of the BIM objectives expected by the client or the total/general contractor.

Our global BIM coordinator is directly linked to the modelling teams. They animate the BIM sessions in connection with the different objectives of the project, such as BIM Coordination or 5D. They also carry out regular checks on the models to verify that they comply with the BEP (BIM Execution Plan) and the various charters implemented on the project.

Our teams are committed to delivering a quality and pragmatic BIM experience. The success of the project is our target, and the support of multidisciplinary teams is our mission. This is why our approach is always intended to be educational, because we are aware that not all building stakeholders have the same BIM maturity.

How does BIM intervene in construction project management?

BIM is used in many stages of construction project management, from design to the end of the building’s life. Here are some examples of how BIM can be used in construction project management:


BIM is used to create digital study models of the building, making it possible to visualise and simulate different design options and therefore choose the best solution. BIM can also be used to optimise building performance in terms of cost by integrating SIA 116 and 416 volumes, energy efficiency and maintainability.


BIM is used to facilitate collaboration between different members of the project team and with external stakeholders. The BIM model makes it possible to visualise and understand the interactions between the different elements of the building, which facilitates the resolution of problems and the execution of works.


BIM is used to plan the different stages of the project and to establish a detailed schedule. The BIM model can be used to estimate costs in relation to construction deadlines, as well as to monitor the progress of the project.

Change management

BIM is used to record and manage changes made to the project over time. The BIM model allows you to track the impact of changes on the project and ensure that all team members are informed of the changes in progress.

Quality management

BIM is used to check, validate and ensure that the elements present in the 3D model are in accordance with the project specifications. BIM can also be used to assess the quality of the ongoing construction via a 3D scan, to identify possible problems at an early stage.

Maintenance management

BIM is used to plan and track building maintenance activities throughout its lifetime. The BIM model can be used to identify elements that require maintenance, to plan interventions and to monitor the progress of work remotely.
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